Isobel is great to work with and you are right about her earlier books, Carol. You are no slouch on the work front - I love the article you've written for the next Workshop on the Web. Amazing art books.
.Yes, Heather - it was great work at Windsor this year. It was so encouraging to see the City and Guilds work looking so strong. I talked to Margaret Walker from C&G and she says that there are lots more smaller establishments and individual teachers setting up c&g classes, rather than Adult Ed. Good if that proves the way to go.
Good to meet fabriquefantastique and welcome aboard.
.It is so hot here and Smudge is roasting in his thick coat. Lots of it is spread around the house - I could knit another cat. This morning he was sitting panting under the cherry tree when a bird fell on his head. I don't know which of them was more surprised but Smudge wasn't slow to grab it. The poor young fledgling had a breakneck tour of the house and garden with Clive and me in hot pursuit. We did get it away from him and it flew off, so I hope it survivved. I bet it thinks that the world outside the nest is a scary place. This afternoon we rescued a frog from the jaws of hell and then Smudge went for the hat-trick and attacked next-door's dog - a large spaniel. This time it him who needed to be saved from the jaws.
We are having another try at house selling. The guy came to take photos and I forgot to put away my sewing machine. Which was on the table in the 'breakfast room'. (We didn't know we had one of those, we call it the little room off the kitchen, or the thingy room!)
So my Bernina is immortalised on the Right Move site, for all to see.
Not getting excited - we caused the last property crash and have every reason to believe we'll cause another one. I'll keep you posted.