I also ran out of evening stitching and had to find myself something to do. Can’t just sit and watch TV without the hands being occupied. Some time ago Clive said we needed a new TV, as ours was getting fuzzy. Turned out that his glasses needed changing and, as I only listen and never watch, I took his word for it. Glad we got the new one, though - it looks much nicer - all slim and sexy (unlike its owners).
Here's my new stitching.

I had made a book for my Image to Stitch book, using Bondaweb to transfer images. I didn’t want to sell it so decided to make another one.
To make the transfer:
Printout, or photocopy your design.
Iron Bondaweb (fusible webbing) on to the fabric of choice - I used white cotton. If an inkjet print, it’s better to then leave for a few hours but I don’t always do this.
Iron the print, colour side down, to the fabric.
Damp the paper with a sponge or spray - don’t get it too wet. Scrape away the paper to reveal the image, now on the Bondaweb. If it doesn’t scrape away, damp ir down until it does.
Then I hand stitch on top. The image is quite pale, which I like and sometimes I leave some of the paper on and draw into it.
Printout, or photocopy your design.
Iron Bondaweb (fusible webbing) on to the fabric of choice - I used white cotton. If an inkjet print, it’s better to then leave for a few hours but I don’t always do this.
Iron the print, colour side down, to the fabric.
Damp the paper with a sponge or spray - don’t get it too wet. Scrape away the paper to reveal the image, now on the Bondaweb. If it doesn’t scrape away, damp ir down until it does.
Then I hand stitch on top. The image is quite pale, which I like and sometimes I leave some of the paper on and draw into it.
Here’s the back.
And some Gaudi chimney pots inside the book.
I love this transfer method and it is one of my favourites.
Lovely to have an award Maggie, Thank You. Haven’t thought who to give it to who hasn’t got it already. Lynda Monk made my day yesterday by agreeing to write articles for WoW so she must have one. Dale and Margaret R, of course, and Annabelle (Wittering Rainbow) because her profile makes me laugh. Lots more people I will think about but my battery is getting low.
Peg - do try stitching on metal but be sure to put something under it. I use a heavy craft Vilene.
Jackie - I’ll certainly pass on my bits if I don’t win my challenge. Perhaps I could get rid of lots of bits this way. Perhaps we could all play stitch consequences. Val & I used to send each other bits we were stuck on - a terrible responsibility for me.
I've never tried Bondaweb transfering before- I must have a go at it.
Glad to see Lynda is going to do a workshop for WOW---the girls at Canberra Wowies will be so pleased when they find out.
Your bondaweb transferring tips may come in very handy soon, Maggie, as I've been asked to give a fiber arts workshop in the fall. I'm excited and NERVOUS! I'm glad I have some time to consider and plan, because I think I'd be prone to try to give too much information all at once. I'll be reading your blog and WOW very closely from now on!
I love the idea of stitch consequences! Would it work like a round robin? I am a hand stitcher, can't use a machine, but I can use the embellisher too. Would I be allowed in?
I put my webbing through the printer, are you using a very thin webbing making it more difficult to go through the printer? I'll post a pic to my blog of a piece I printed directly.
I am so glad Lynda has agreed to do an article for WOW, I have been telling her she should exhibit when she has the dressels body of work done. i will definately be renewing my WOW subscription. Well done on talent spotting.
By the way, totally get what you mean about being occupied while "watching" telly, my hubby is visually impaired and so when something small detail happens he asks me what and i never know the answer!!!
Thanks for this Maggie, I have just tried it but think my wetting was a bit much as I now have spots but I dont care, this is a wonderful way of playing and I may now be on to better things. Just need to find the right photos.
Hi Maggie,
Thanks for this tip its not one I've tried before and it worked really well. I have transfered some of my photos of seaweed (don't ask!) and am now stitchng into it and embellishing on top.it seems to be working brillantly.
What a great technique, it is next on my list of things to try.
Hi Maggie, sounds like a brilliant technique, will give it a try. love the thought of stitch consequences, I might suggest it at the next meeting here. we've got John Gillow coming over to talk to us about African textiles next week, looking forward to that very much. Lynda will be a great addition to your contributors for WOW, I shall look forward to her article very much.
I am interested in this idea of printing on bond-a-web. Do you put the bond -a -web through the printer or do you iron a printed copy onto the bond-a-web? I am afraid of my husband shouting at me if I mess up the printer, especially as the printer is quite new! Thanks for your blog. It is a real inspiration on these bleak dark mornings when all I see is rain!!
I must try that bondaweb transfer Maggie and thank you so much for my award. You would be top of my list to be sure. Em watches TV in our house too and I just listen. He needs his glasses changed as well, keeps saying he's going, but never does.
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