Tuesday, 2 November 2010

16 sleeps to M Day

The move is getting closer. I thought the time would drag but it is rushing past alarmingly quickly and packing is in full swing. I am responsible for packing up my workroom while Clive is only responsible for all the rest of the house. Guess who is winning!


The other side of the room shows that I have made a start.


In my defence, I am trying to finish the last of the work for the Harrogate Knitting & Stitching Show. I have made some more work for the cradle - this one with an Egyptian theme.


The piece below is a study of some lilies which were manipluated by using the displacement map in Paint Shop Pro. The design was then transferred to felt by printing it out on tracing paper and then stitching over the main design lines before tearing away the paper. The stitching is very heavy and solid. This is how I do the faces for my icons, Kerry.


I have made lots more 'Sillybird' brooch cards but boredom forced me into an experiment with silly owls. They are fun but take longer.
The fun thing is seeing what happens to their legs when I put them in the cards. They all run in different ways.

Had a smile at the tence/tense, Heather. You may notice a box of sweeties in the workroom - an excellent antidote for stress and tension!
Quinn - that's a great title but will I be able to part with my Patron Saint of Relocation? I had planned on putting a price on her for the show but I fear she may now be needed at the new abode. Another NFS.
Val - copper foil?? Festival of Quilts??? I can't remember last week let alone August. Was it the foil that you iron on to Fusible Webbing (from Art Van Go or Ario) or the very fine real copper (Oliver Twists).
Margaret - yes we do really need our broadband. BT can't even tell us the phone number - we hope to keep our current one, but they say they can't promise. we are only moving one mile down the road.
Thanks scooter for the good wishes. Off to empty another shelf.


Heather said...

You both have my sympathy - I hate the thought of moving house, especially as we have been in this one so long and gathered so much stuff. I love those pieces of work Maggie and the silly owl is such fun. Good luck with everything.

Amanda said...

I'm only moving my sewing room from upstairs to down and I'm lost already. Best of luck Maggie!

Anonymous said...

Of course Clive is winning. He is the best dishwasher packer I have ever met!!!!
I hate to think how I will manage when we move. Brian is thinking soon, I am thinking never. One thing though I have promised myself is that I won't go buying anymore stuff - just look for it in the mess or improvise. We shall see what happens

Sue Krekorian said...

I absolutely adore those silly owls! Wish I could go to Harrogate to buy one...

Good luck with it all xxx

Unknown said...

About three year ago I moved from one end of Oz to the other (Melbourne to North Queensland) arrived and worked like a trojan to complete three pieces for an exhibition and am still recovering from the consequences.
LOL that and the failing of my relationship of some 20 years.
A new relationship has brought much joy into my life again and the desire to work again is stronger than it has been for ages. BUT my new partner is keen for me to move in with him and is offering a purpose built studio (he is a builder by profession) for me to play in (and keep my mess out of sight )
The thought of packing it all up again gives me the willies so I completely understand. Something tells me when the time comes for me to move the mundane stuff will be done and dusted long before I tackle the studio.
good luck