
We recently asked our Workshop on the Web folks what articles they wanted and they were keen on one on the making of precious books from samples. Another excellent idea was a project that progressed and we could all join in with. So I've combined these two and will have a precious book article with techniques and, hopefully, a video. I'm hoping lots of people will try the ideas and we're going to have a readers section to see them all. The pic below is a layered printing method I use a lot in various ways.

These books are so useful for those special stitched samples, like the letters below.

The photoshoot meeting for Lynda Monk's new book went really well and Michael and I were absolutely bowled over by the quality of her work. It's called Fabulous Surfaces and who would guess that the one below is not leather, but tissue paper. I want a jacket made from it.

There are lots of ideas for books, bodices and vessels. If you want us to let you know when it's ready just go to www.d4daisy.com and click to go on the 'let me know' list - no obligation.

Glad to have amused you with the jam making. We made loads but the kids have pinched lots of it. Modesty aside, it is delicious. I shall put some time aside next year and make more. There are still loads left on the vine.
Cranborne Manor only opens once a week, Celia, but it is well worth a visit.
I agree about using kitchen stuff for textiles,Virginia. I think my pasta machine collagraph printer is my most successful to date.
Glad you're recovering well, giv yourself time frustrating tho it may be.
Loving Septembers WoW articles, tho having had my first solo exhibition over the last 2 weeks I've got a lot of catching up to do, not least the making of a cover for my 'special' samples book. So look forward to the new articles & thanks for such a great emag.
Your hand looks almost as good as new. I love your layered and lettered samples and look forward to your new feature for WoW.
I'm sure I have asked to be notified when Lynda's book is ready - it sounds like a 'must have'.
I am amazed by how much you have achieved using just one hand - 'where there's a will, there's a way'!
The word verification is 'captions' - makes me think of free online classes.
Pleased to that you'r hand is recovering well do take thing easy, i know easier said than done.
Lynda's new book looks great,like Heather i am sure i have asked to be notified.
Glad to see you healing well. The hard part is to now hold back and let it complete healing. Once you feel good it's hard to do! Sounds like a great idea for WoW. I've not made a book so will look forward to the fun.
Gee, Maggie, I hope your hand is back to normal quickly. The incision certainly looks good! I'm sending good thoughts for a speedy recovery.
You mentioned Daniel Smith paints the very day after I finally got to go to their store in Seattle. We were only there for the day and it's the only place I wanted to see! My other half said it is like Home Depot for artists (the big box home improvement store). I hope that translates. I guess I need to take him to more art stores in big cities.
Lynda's new book sounds lovely!
Loved reading this, thank you
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