I wasn't going to have the rattan furniture as I am not a big fan of this style but it looks good so I am getting new cushions made. I am keeping my ebay purchase of Stressless sofa though. So comfortable. It is the first 'big' thing that I have prurchased on ebay and I am delighted.
Colin and Tom - the builders - were great. The only real problem was the fact that they wore shorts and Smudge (who can't resist a nice juicy calf) kept licking their legs. he even had a little nip once or twice.
Now we are in a hotel in Lancashir so I am 'the blogger from Burnley. Doing a talk and mini workshop at Gawthorpe Hall later today. More on that, I am sure in a subsequent blog. We will be home late this evening and I am off again tomorrow for a girls stitch retreat at Kingcombe, deep in the lovely Dorset countryside. As soon as I'm home it is time for the Festival of Quilts. I am doing three talks and being interviewed by someone for something.
Luckily we had a lovely gentle drive up yesterday with afternoon tea at Baddesley Clinton - an NT pile near Warwick.
Sweet moated house - not too big. The scones were a bit heavy but the garden was lovely. This hot weather has brought out all the bees and butterflies.
Time to go now. Will have a more stitchy blog next time, showing yoy what I have been doing with my new Bernina Cutting device.
Great news on Wow - now definitely saved, thanks to everyone's efforts and the Septemebre issue is lovely.