Monday, 28 September 2009

The Coincidence Debate

Hi Everyone

Many thanks for all the comments and for being so on-side. I have got over the need to rant now, but it did help. I found your answers very thought provoking - as always.

Doreen - I do think your comment was great and your experience, I'm afraid, is fairly typical. I have had people come on my courses and say 'I must write it all down so I can show the girls when I get back'.

Love stitching red (welcome to WoW, by the way) is right when she says it's unfair to those who subscribe. That's just what I feel.

Beverley and Wabbit's stories about their idea appearing elsewhere are very similar to mine - I'm sure that it makes us ahead of the game but it has taught me never to assume that copying is deliberate as it does happen. When I edited Embroidery magazine, I was often approached by people asking me to publish an article on their latest technique to 'prove' that they had thought of it first. I don't think your friend is correct about that Wabbit - sounds like the old copyright myth about copying trademarks (just change three things) that was dispelled in the courts.

So glad you enjoyed the talk Sue. Your branch is lovely and it makes a real difference, when giving a talk, to have such a responsive audience.

Ruth - yes, photos are another headache, aren't they? I do sympathise. It does make people more inclined to hide work at the development stage, I think.

Fibrenell - I think your experience is even worse than mine. How can people be so shameless?

Thanks for the support, AJ. It doesn't matter how many times you download if you are a subscriber and if anyone loses their passwords we are happy to re-send them.

I am so glad you are coming on my course in Italy, Amanda. Do let me know how your Jan and Jean one works out. I love the fact that we have transport there to go out and about for photographs and sketching. Also the small class numbers make using the digital images much more feasible, especially as both Clive and I will be working together on the printing aspects. I'm not teaching much next year so I'll make the most of the Puglia trip. If anyone else can make it, book soon as the places are going quickly, I believe. Details on this site The villa is owned, and the classes run, by the team behind the K&S shows so the commitment will be total.

I shall be playing with lots of ways of using photos and sketches - including my Aussie rock stuff technique, which is coming on well. The group I belong to, Wessex Textiles, is going to be at the Knitting & Stitching Show next year so I shall take walls as my theme. Lots of possibilities there.

Have also been finishing off my free workshops with the Stitches, Straps and Layers book, They begin on 19th October - see for details.


Saw Smudge yesterday and he sends his love. He will be back from his holidays in a couple of weeks as we shall have finished our travelling by then.

Such wonderful weather that I can't bear to pull up my summer planting. Here is the view from my kitchen window - showing flowers amid the mugs, and me taking the photo .....a watchbird, watching you!


Aussie Jo said...

I love your Kakadu piece (aussie rock stuff indeed!!)
Just joking, I think it will be a great series, the colour and texture are fantastic.
Hey, guess who is at the Geelong Fibre forum, Jae Maries, I'm hoping to go over to her class at some stage this week and check out her book. I was lucky enough to be given a bursary by TAFTA to attend!

Heather said...

I love these images of the work you have been doing Maggie, particularly the rock art piece. The layers and folds really add the 'wow' factor. Just off to check the details for the online classes. Love to Smudge - hope he is a reformed character when you get him home again.

Anne B said...

Look on for straightforward advice about registering designs/ideas/processes.

... Paige said...

Passion flower--what a lucky girl; beautiful work

Wabbit said...

I feel quite sure that my friend is wrong about just changing three things. While copyright laws may vary from country to country, to me, it's a matter of ethics that don't know legal boundaries. I feel its important to just do your own work and if you publish about an idea you learned elsewhere, what you publish should either be a straightforward teaching of so and so's XYZ technique or add new ideas to it, giving credit for the original idea. I like to write. If I had more/any original ideas, I'd be published! My best regards to smudge and hoping that Clive had a good birthday.