Facebookers among you will have heard the tale of the single sprout (in a plastic bag) that was the result of an online shopping misunderstanding - I thought it was one pack. There have been hilarious tales of other peoples adventures, including Dorothy's seven bunches of seven bananas. In view of the difficulty of sharing the aforementioned sprout I have decided to decorate it and put it on the tree. Watch this space!
I've been juggling work and Christmas - lots to do on WoW at this time of year but managed to find time for the annual train trip to see Father Christmas. This has been going on for five or six years now and we keep thinking that the older GCs will grow out of it but they are as keen as ever. Although Lauren may have to have a re-think as a Hannah Montana game is a bit infra-dig at eighteen!
It takes place in our local garden centre and the track has been extended year by year and now is about a ten minute ride. All lit up with fairy lights and the track is lined with toys.
Good for swoopy photos.
When you alight from the train (at the grotto) Father Christmas is waiting. It was a new one this year and I think he was a bit unnerved by our GCs en masse. I would be, too! Anyway they grabbed pressies and we took a photo.
By unamimous vote (theirs) the next stop was the scruffy pub for lunch. This is part of the golf course at the end of our road and is very unstuffy and slightly shabby but the staff are lovely. The boys like the table football, too.
So a good time was had by all.
Not much about textiles in this blog but I'll just show you one of the pics from Alysn Midgelow Marsden's next Wow article - March issue. A fantastic mix of shrinking plastic, t-shirt transfer paper and stitch. I can't wait for after Chrimbo to try her techniques.

In the meantime I wish you all a lovely, peaceful Christmas and here's a Displacement Map, (made from the swoopy light pic) to go with the wishes.