Thursday, 3 February 2011

Signs of Spring and Melting Stuff

At last - a warm, dry day. According to the forecast, it's a one-off but it's been so lovely to have a really good walk. Having a new garden is interesting, too, as it's all a complete surprise. I've got daffs in the woody bit and really lovely crocus, with pretty orange centres, behind the summer house. I spent a fortune in one of the plant catalogues before Clive reminded me, after it was posted, that there might not be room for all this new stuff when what's there already comes up!

I opened the door of the summer house to air it a bit and Smudge thought it was great - he immediately stretched out on a sofa - I think he'll enjoy the alfresco life.

The classes have started and we have immediately found fun things to do with clear embossing powder. Gill had a play and inspired me to have a go, mixing it with Perfect Pearls. It melts down so well (no melting pot or ladle).



I loved the shape and made this cute little brooch.


Thanks for the comments: Hi to Heather - great to see your name on the Yahoo list, glad you're enjoying the class.
I wanted that Pat Hodson book too, Celia - apparently she is doing a book, don't know who with - wish it was d4daisy.
Hi Emma - the classes will always be there, although the Yahoo group - where we chat and share ideas - is limited to six months or so.
Penny - I hope Isobel is OK. I haven't heard from her and she hasn't popped up on the Yahoo group yet, so I guess she is either in the middle of teaching or she has a dodgy dongle.
Liniecat - yes, I was only briefly at Harrogate to help set up our Wessex Textiles exhibition. Thanks for getting the book at our stand. Thanks also for the kind words about the book and the classes. I do view them as an extension of the books and love the chance to meet the readers. Now I don't teach so much, it is great to have a bit of interaction.
The bathroom saga - a bit of a knife edge as the plumber is going on holiday next week and he still has to fit the loo and the radiator. He can't fit the loo until the floor is done and that is underway at the moment.
Will the floor be finished in time for the plumber? Will the house ever be empty of bathroom bits that can't be stored in the garage? Will Maggie and Clive hold on to their sanity? Don't miss the next exciting episode.



Heather said...

Love the little brooch. I have some Perfect Pearls - bought in a moment of rashness - and am never quite sure what to do with them, so thankyou for that idea. To survive all the muddle that accompanies major improvement projects, I keep looking at the bits that have been done and imagining how nice it will all look eventually. Hang on in there!

Amanda said...

HA! I read 'Will Maggie and Clive hold on to their sanity?' as sanitation! It fits I guess lol.