I am feeling a little cross as Twisted Thread has messed up the dates for my teaching trip to Italy next year. Last November they asked me when I was free and I suggested April 2012. I duly drew a line through the whole month as they rearranged the last trip. Now they say they didn't get my email (very strange as it was the same email as I notified them of my change of address and they have certainly been using the new address). I am pretty booked up for May so can't do that and don't want to travel in February, the other suggestion. I've also been turning down work in April so it is doubly annoying. I suppose I should have checked to make sure but, as there was no paperwork last time I went, it didn't cross my mind. Never mind - I 've already got a booking for a talk in the Wirral in April and I shall enjoy it just as much.
Reasons to be Cheerful 1
Anyway it's hard to stay cross when you pull back the curtains in the morning and see this young chap. He was eating the fallen sunflower hearts that the finches drop - must be hungry. I bet my neighbour with the chickens would not say 'Aah, bless'.
Reasons to be Cheerful 2
I've been to Art in Action which was as much fun as ever, although a little light on demos this year. Found a fantastic collagraph artist, Sue Brown, and learned so much from her. She uses birds as inspiration.
With my d4d hat on, I do hope to sign her up for a series of small books next year.
It was good to meet Liz Clay (above) as she has written articles for WoW but we hadn''t met. She does great 3D stuff with felt.
Reasons to be Cheerful 3
Reasons to be Cheerful 3
It was almost my birthday so Clive bought me this amazing piece of glass. It reflects its surroundings, upside down in the bottom, as well as the lovely swirl. Made by someone at Bournemouth and Poole College - they had a really good stand and are local to me in Dorset.
I am trying to pick a colour for the sitting room carpet. I am going to base my colour scheme on Smudge as he has a lovely coloured coat of creamy, tawny hues with touches of blue-grey. As you can see from the following run of pics he is not co-operating in the choice.
.How boring - fancy interrupting my sleep for this....
On the other hand it might make a good hiding place....
...for surprise attacks.

Twisted Tree don't sound very reliable - good thing you are getting other commitments. The fox looks rather thin and hungry.
The collagraphs are stunning and I hope Sue Brown agrees to doing books for d4d. Happy Birthday and I love your piece of glass - such gorgeous swirls. Don't let Smudge blend too well with the new carpet or he might get walked on.
Blogger just managed to lose my comment! Grrr! Sorry Twisted thread are messing you about. I too went to Art in Action and just loved it. I haven't been before but there was so much to see and I needed another day at least to take it all in. I did resits buying a loved ceramic pot and a silk stole £1250 and £250 respectivley! Wasn't I good?
I too loved the collage and the calligraphy and the painting and drawing and glassworks and and....
Oh dear! How annoying. Look on the bright side. Clive won't have to do all the household chores!!!!
I had meant to comment about your green theme long before this. What a great idea. I seem to remember red being used at one of our exhibitons a few years ago but for some reason it didn't quite take. I can see green does. Currently our group is putting together an exhibition -theme 'Archi-Textiles'. Members have been asked to not only produce their own piece but also a 3 x 6 inch brick which we will join to make them look like a wall. I will send you a photo of the end result.
Oh I am SO glad you found Sue Brown. I have been following her blog for ages and love what she does. She makes Monomania look SOOOOO good.
Also, I think Smudge is helping tremendously with the carpet choice. After all, if he didn't lie on them or under them, or beside them, how would you know if they were a right match? Perfect understanding of his role in all this is what I am seeing!
Smudge looks a little more sensible!!!
A living room colour scheme based around Smudge - what a fabulous idea, but he is a rather gorgeous and fabulous cat!
I am amused at you buying a carpet to match, of course why not, you have to start somewhere. Aren't you glad they have samples for you to take , just imagine taking Smudge to the carpet shop!
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