Monday 18 February 2013

Lynda's book and Embellisher Machines

Forgive me if you have heard this elsewhere but Lynda Monk's third class on the book Exploring Creative Surfaces is up on the d4daisy site. I am bombarding you with this information as I had a lot of people who missed the last lesson (even though we emailed the list of purchasers, as well as blog and FB). I love what she does with scrim.

I have almost finished the work room sort out and (ta-da, fanfare of trumpets) today I am going to spend the whole day working on a new piece. While clearing the notice board I found some inspiration snippets, guess that is why I put them there, I also wound up with a very tidy board. Won't look like this for long.

I like to keep small pieces of work that I have been given, or purchased, as well as items torn from magazines, sketches and the like.

There is also the odd photo of a grandchild or, in this case, right, a drawing of a cat from many years ago. She was called Tigger Johnson and she was very grumpy. This is a typical Tigger Johnson pose - in a corner with her back to the world.

I do also have a big board on which I place work in progress to see how it is coming along. This has my birchwood stuff on it at the moment but I have become distracted from this by the arrival of a new embellisher from Janome.

A germ of an idea about making a DVD featuring the embellisher machine has taken root lately as my Embellish and Stitch book is almost out of print. I am especially interested in using the embellisher with paper for mixed media work as I developed a way of using printed tissue with it. Do you think this DVD would be a good idea? Are we still using our embellishers? Comments on this welcome.

I'd also like to make a jacket as I have lots of lovely fibres in greys (Shades of Grey again).

When the noticeboard was cleared I found a snippet torn from one of the Sunday supplements. It is in lace so I thought I would combine embellished fabric with stitched patterns.

Don't want a traditional flowery lace, but might use this page from one of my sketchbooks (based on rocks) as a starting point.  I will keep you posted on that.


Heather: I did wonder if it was you in the exhibition, was going to get in touch. It was a good exhibition, especially the thoughtful use of stitch.

Ann: know the feeling of not being able to open the studio door but I am quite smug at the moment. Won't last.

Robin: I hear what you are saying - especially about working black on black. These days I can't decide whether I see better with or without my glasses. Have to keep peering over the top!.


Heather said...

I think Jane Wild's collagraphs and Lynda's free classes may just have unblocked my creativity. What would I do without WoW?! Maybe I could combine the two.
Your snippets look so interesting and an Embellisher DVD would be a great idea. I have the Janome one, love it but don't use it enough.

gilby said...

DVD on using the Embellisher would be a great idea.

gilby said...
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Amanda said...

Thanks for yet another reminder, you can never have too many!! I had read on FB but still needed this one.

And of course any lessons involving the embellisher are welcome!! Mine's nicely gathering dust and could do with an airing.

sewbeit said...

HELP!! Can not find the newest Linda Monk workshop. The space where it should be still sace will be available on the 18th.
The first two were super and am looking forward to finding the third.
Love the idea of an embellisher video and yes still using mine.
Best wishes.

sewbeit said...

Hi Maggie , Please ignore my plea for help. The workshop appeared as if by magic as soon as I had sent it. Kay

PaulineC said...

Well I certainly still love my embellisher machine and would welcome any new innovative uses for it.

Jill said...

Great post with lots of food for thought.

LynneP said...

Are you thinking about a jacket made using the embellisher machine? That I would LOVE to see.

maybird said...

Love the idea of a dvd for the embellisher.Bought mine in 2008 and it has had very little use so inspiration would be marvellous.

Heather said...

Thankyou so much for your helpful advice on collagraph printing. I will get some extender - just using acrylic paint alone so far. Even on it's widest setting, my pasta machine wont take the thicker card, paper and felt but I can see that the felt would give better results. I'm hoping to find some strong, but slightly thinner card.

Diane said...

Love the idea of a DVD for the embellisher. Mine is gathering dust and I share mine! Taking it further would be great.

Diane said...

A DVD on the embellisher would be great. Taking it further because those who have them sitting idle - like me would probably put them to use again.

bois-fleurie said...

I have absolutly no idea how an embellisher works and have never seen one.I hear so many people mention them and would love to know more.I live in very rural France so the internet is oh so slow A DVD would be wonderful.

Anonymous said...

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