Saturday, 21 July 2007

Textured Transfers

Haven't had time to blog for a couple of days but there is just time to write a few lines before the course starts. Must allow time to pop in and buy Harry Potter on the way. We have both finished our current reading books so will have to buy a copy each. How sad is that? With five grandchildren there is always someone to pass it on to.

Hope all the students get to the course OK. Terrible floods and the road conditions are very bad. I checked the venue and all is well there. What a summer.

We are working on computer images and how to achieve texture with T-Shirt transfer papers - they are always so flat. Here's a sample on needle-punched felt. Clive will be kept busy printing out all the images. I'll show you some of the work on Monday. Have a great weekend everyone.

1 comment:

Guzzisue said...

bought Harry Potter this morning so the big dilema is do I stitch or do I read !!