Tuesday, 31 July 2007

Off to Steeple Langford

Had a most annoying sleepless night with too much going around in the head. And not even Harry Potter for company as I've finished him. Should have got up and done some filing! That would have sent me back to sleep.

I found the lost pic from yesterday, so Diane Carrington's 'Gothic Slendour' (from the BOLT exhibition in Kenilworth) is having a solo show here. It was big and very bold and I love the heavy gold contrasting with the distressed areas.
Spent some time yesterday thinking about my half day class at the Festival of Quilts. I'm doing something on working with paper and it will probably involve Moonshadow mist sprays. I shall have to prepare the papers in advance as they won't have time to dry. Dale Rollerson tells me that they now do inks, so it would be good if the ones I've ordered arrive before the class so we can try them. Dale blogged about them recently at www.downunderdale.blogspot.com

I think we might add metal accents so I've been looking out some of my stuff on borders and tiles. Loved the borders sample but we won't have machines so the challenge will be to turn it into hand stitching. Might rope Clive in to do some wire 'wigglies', too.

Today I am off to Steeple Langford, Wiltshire, to see Jane Lemon. I've spoken of her before but for newcomers she heads up The Sarum Group who make the most wonderful ecclesiatical embroidery. Very forward looking, dramatic work.

Jane has written lots of books for Batsford and has a great idea for a new book. I've been nagging her for ages to get her proposal in (nagging is what Val used to do to Jane to get her to do things). So I'm spending the day with Jane to make sure that we get it done. We need good books on modern goldwork and Jane is adept with machine as well as hand stitching.

Will let you know how I get on tomorrow.


Doreen G said...

Maggie you are so busy I often wonder how you manage to accomplish all that you do.

Leanne Hurren said...

I love the Moonshadow mists Maggie - where are you getting the inks from? I'd like to try them too.

Julie said...

Hope you had a good day with Jane, Maggie. I like the piece of weaving, both construction and colourwise.

Stitching with Schnauzer and Siamese said...

Will you be able to get Jane to blog? There's a challenge. Her skills are fantastic and she is such a versatile designer and embroiderer. So know you will have a great day. Please give her my best wishes.

Maggie (the other one)

Moira Anne Dickson said...

Hi there! I can't believe how much blogging you get through. It's brilliant, I've been on holiday for 2 weeks and you've given me heaps to catch up with. Love the woven piece, looks great.