Sunday, 2 December 2007

Those Dolls Again

More about yesterday's party. I forgot to mention that we sell tickets and raise money for charity - this year it was a local children's hospice and the Macmillan nurses. It is a very popular event and we are limited by the size of the hall so there is a real scramble for places. We are almost at the stage where they will be selling on ebay. This year we were selling threads and yarns from Val's workshop clearance, so we made pretty little bags and offered a pick'n'mix which raised £250.

I think Val would have been pleased. I turned out to be rubbish at bag-making so I just stuck to the painting of the papers.

The toilet roll dollies seem to have struck a cord. I love the idea of us all making and displaying on Flickr. Here are some more from yesterday.

This one, by Nan Kenyon, is looking cross because she has been forced to sit on a a toilet roll and considers it beneath her dignity. She is made from painted paper and a wooden spoon

This is a clever one from Betty Ruffell illustrating the saying ' inside every large lady there is a thin one trying to get out'!

I love Jane Wild's character - made from brown paper, of course.

This is a rustic angel from Sue Miles - all the leaves have been machine stitched.

Finally, here is Bishop Odo - who has nothing to do with loo rolls, but was made by our speaker Terri Hitchcock. He is the only bishop to have his own carry case (below) - mitre shaped, of course.

It is blowing a gale here and the light keep flickering. My modem also keeps disconnecting; luckily, so far, it has come back again. Sometimes I really hate technology.

Fiona's phone is still down but the blog has proved an effective way of communicating with people wanting to talk to her. Not just an indulgence, after all.


chrissythreads said...

Hi Maggie,
A big thank you for publicising our new forum on WOW - we've had an enquiry from it already!Another great issue by the way. I know how you feel about technology - I've had about 20mins internet access all week its a shame how reliant on it we get but it is useful- when it works
Chris Spencer

Anonymous said...

Maggie, what a nice idea those bags are really bright and cheerful. I do like the toilet roll dollies - my fingers are itching.
PS. super WOW issue, really enjoying it.

sharon young said...

Hi Maggie
What a brilliant idea, I would never have guessed.
Love the Bishop !

Julie said...

I love the rustic leaves dolly. I've just checked out WOW and it is! I shall have to put everything on hold and get studying.

Ruth said...

The dollies are great! You and Clive really look fierce. The December WOW is great. I need more time though.

Aussie Jo said...

The WOW is great. I have just had a quick browse but found some ideas I will definitely use at my Summer School class with Dale Rollerson. Thanks.
By the way I did finally catch up with Sharon!!!